RC Reflections, Media over QUIC Contributions
RC W08D1 - Rusty Blink
RC W07D5 - The Awaited Solution
RC W07D4 - Spot the Bug
RC W02D5 - Friday of Week 2
RC Day ? - Week 2 Thursday
RC Day ? - Week 2 Wednesday
RC Day 6 - Building by the C
RC Day 6 - Building by the C
RC Day 5
RC Day 4
RC Day 3 - Time Well Spent
RC Day 2
RC Day 1
Ksssht, over: Walkie-Talkies and WebRTC ingest signaling
Nethack Nights: "Lo-Fi Mode"
Bash Completion, Part 2: Programmable Completion
Bash Completion, Part 1: Using Tab Completion
Tools for Testing Command Line Interfaces
Distributing Command Line Tools with Docker
Docker Basics for Local Development
Commandline Craft: Creating a Craft Console Plugin
Sticky Documentation, Part 2: Source Control History as Documentation
Sticky Documentation, Part 1: Code as Documentation
Remote-First Communication for Project Teams
Things I Learned while Pairing on odo
Shellshock – CVEs, Patches, Updates, & Other Resources
Re-imagining Operating Systems: Xen, Unikernels, and the Library OS
Git-SVN Gotcha with Empty Directories
GPG + Git: The pass Password Manager
8 Tips for Working from a Coffee Shop
Using a Smartcard with a VirtualBox-based Vagrant Virtual Machine
Using an OpenPGP Smartcard with GnuPG
DevOps Resources for Staying in the Loop
Generating More Secure GPG Keys: A Step-by-Step Guide
Generating More Secure GPG Keys: Rationale
Getting Started with GNU Privacy Guard
Tools for Debugging Running Ruby Processes
Why Code Design Requires Empathy
OVF? OVA? VMDK? – File Formats and Tools for Virtualization
Using Vagrant AWS with Capistrano
Red Green Performance Testing with The Grinder
Tooling for an Iterative Infrastructure
BERKS! – Simplifying Chef Solo Cookbook Management with Berkshelf
Portable Ruby Bit-Twiddling with #unpack()
Collecting Metrics from Ruby Processes with Zabbix Trappers
From Imperative to Declarative System Configuration with Puppet
Deploying from Git with Capistrano
Restoring Deleted Files in Linux from the ext3 Journal
Inspiration: The Water Clocks of Bernard Gitton
Simple Remote Pairing with wemux
Beyond Bundler: A Configuration Management Starter Kit
Less Perplexing Terminal Multiplexing with tmux
Puppet + Gephi: Visualizing Infrastructure as Code
Bash, Pipes, and Standard Input
Book Review: Code by Charles Petzold
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